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United States House of Representatives Committee on Social Issues
a g e n d a  i t e m s
1. Abortion:
The issue of abortion is one of the most contentious and divisive issues in our society. The committee will discuss the legal and ethical considerations surrounding abortion, the impact of abortion on women's health, the rights of the unborn, and the potential societal impact of legalizing or banning abortion.

2. Prevention of School Shootings:
School shootings have become a major concern in our society, and we must take steps to prevent these tragic events from occurring. The committee will discuss various measures to enhance school safety, such as increasing funding for school security measures, improving mental health resources for students, and implementing gun control policies.

3. Increasing Oil Prices:
The rising cost of oil is a major concern for consumers and businesses alike. The committee will discuss the factors contributing to the increase in oil prices, such as global demand, geopolitical tensions, and natural disasters. We will also explore possible solutions to mitigate the impact of high oil prices on American consumers and businesses.
4. Education:
Education is the cornerstone of a thriving society, and we must ensure that all Americans have access to high-quality education. The committee will discuss various measures to improve access to education, such as increasing funding for public schools, expanding access to vocational training, and providing more affordable college education.

5. Religious Freedom:
Religious freedom is a fundamental human right, and we must ensure that all Americans can exercise their religious beliefs without fear of discrimination or persecution. The committee will discuss the legal protections for religious freedom, the impact of religious freedom on society, and possible measures to protect religious minorities.

6. Health Care:
Access to quality healthcare is critical for the well-being of all Americans. The committee will discuss various measures to improve access to healthcare, such as expanding Medicaid, increasing funding for community health centers, and improving mental health resources. We will also explore possible solutions to reduce the cost of healthcare for American families.

*This committee does not follow any particular rules of procedure. Those who participate in the committee will be allocated as representatives and will write directives to a crisis team in order to take action and they will receive updates.

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